The truth is, our direction in life is often shaped by circumstance or habit. However, at a certain point in life, we need to get intentional about where we want to go if we want to avoid regrets. Here is a list of questions to help you uncover your values. If you answer them honestly, what you’ll see staring back at you are insights on your core beliefs. The question is - are you currently headed in the right direction?

(Download the booklet in the bottom link and have a go yourself. It can be done digitally but I’d suggest writing in your own handwriting if you can. Having done these exercises myself in the past, for some reason seeing it in your own handwriting carries more weight.)

  • If your kids or closest family had to say what your family was known for and what values they use to guide their decisions, what would you want them to say?

  • Imagine you are 100 years old and are looking back on a perfect retirement. What needs to be put in place for that to happen?

  • If you were given a day to live, what regrets would you have?

  • If you were given 3 years to live, what would you spend your remaining time doing?

  • What would have to happen for this year to be a success?

  • If you had a choice right now to choose between more money or more time, what would you choose and why?

  • If you had to define success beyond numbers or a measured accomplishment. What criteria would that be?

  • What is the most common story you tell yourself when you think ‘I’ll be happy when....?”

  • What’s the one thing in your life you are most grateful for?

  • What is the ‘one big thing’ that’s in your life that you could you do without?